Mizzy Fleck’s Zinc Phosphate Cement


SKU: PARENT-KST-6050100 Categories: ,

Mizzy Fleck’s Zinc Phosphate Cement - Since the advent of zinc phosphate cement, many other types of cement have been introduced. None, however, have demonstrated clinical superior in terms
of strength, resistance to dissolution, and overall retention like Fleck’s Zinc Phosphate Cement has. And of all zinc phosphate, Fleck's is the leading brand and cement of choice of dentists.

29g Powders:

#KST-6050100-  Snow White
#KST-6050200-  Light Yellow
#KST-6050300-  Yellow
#KST-6051300-  Ceramic Blend


#KST-6051400-  15 ml
#KST-6051700-  35 ml

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