Snuggies™ & Snuggies™ 2.0 Custom-Fit Sensor Sleeves


Snuggies works with sensors of any size, shape, and thickness.  Patients will love Snuggies because there’s less loose plastic to gag on. Practitioners will love Snuggies because one-size-fits-all, eliminating the need to buy and stock sleeves of many sizes. Plus, with Snuggies, you don’t have to twist the sleeve around delicate sensor cords.

To custom-fit Snuggies, just peel off the clear tab, then pull the white tab snug against the sensor.

Snuggies are economically priced and packaged 500 per box.

Snuggies Custom-Fit Sensor Sleeves 500/BOX-  #FLO-80222

NEW Snuggies 2.0! Larger size - perfect for your larger sensors! Now you can protect your equipment and your patients with a snug, custom-fit sensor sleeve--regardless of sensor size. Simply peel, stick, and go!

Snuggies 2.0 Custom-Fit Sensor Sleeves 500/BOX-  #FLO-80223



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