Or call 1-866-740-8829

Each industry professional is specially trained to repair all brand name ultrasonic scalers including:
- 2002 Cavi Jets
- Cavitron Jets
- Prophy Jets
- Cavitron SPS
- Cavitron Jets SPS
- Cavitron Select
- Bobcats
- and more!
Dental Fix will pick up your Ultrasonic Scaler and:
- Completely disassemble the unit and inspect all internal components.
- Inspect circuit boards, electronic controls, and connectors for corrosion and powder build-up.
- Provide you with a written estimate and follow up with a phone call
- Electronic parameters are verified and adjusted.
- Solenoid valves are checked for leakage and proper operation.
- Internal and external water and air tubing is checked to evaluate condition and insure there are no leaks or areas that are compromised.
- Mechanical components such as water and air regulators are checked for leakage and pressure tested.
- Trace and calibration is performed.
- The unit is recalibrated to original factory specifications.
*** Your cost is 20% to 40% lower than the charges for similar repairs from the manufacturer. All of our work is licensed and performed by expert industry professionals.
All components are examined to determine if proper maintenance is being performed. Our findings are then passed on to you and your staff along with maintenance recommendations.
Handpiece Repair
Autoclave Repair
Instrument Tipping and Sharpening
Compressor Repair
Chair & Delivery Unit Repair
Ultrasonic Scaler Repair
Amalgam Separator
Curing Light Repair
Film Processor Repair
Upholstery Repair
Vacuum Pump Repair
X-Ray and Harp testing
Veterinary & Medical Repair