Dental Student Kits & Supplies
We provide the best pricing on Dental Student Kits & Supplies!
Dental Fix has a reputation for delivering the highest quality dental instruments, dental supplies & kits to professionals & students. We are proud to bring our student customers these great values in order to be a part of their growing careers.
Please browse our special student pricing below.
Endo Explorer
Scaler/Curette Universal Curette
Carving Knife
Carver IPC
Plastic Filling
Endo Explorers
PKT Waxing
Perio Probe
Color Probe Marginal Trimmer
Hollenback Carver
Cleoid Discoid
Amalgam Knife (Golden Knife)
Amalgam Carrier
Matrix Retainer Tofflemire
Articulating Paper Holder (Tweezers)
HD Mirror w/ Handle ZRCEndo Explorers
PKT Waxing
Perio Probe Color Probe Marginal Trimmer
Hollenback Carver
Cleoid Discoid
Amalgam Knife (Golden Knife)
Amalgam Carrier
Matrix Retainer Tofflemire
Articulating Paper Holder (Tweezers)
HD Mirror w/ Handle ZRC
#12, #15 and #22 Scalpel Blade w/ handle 1PK – 10PK
#12B Scalpel Blade w/ handle 1PK – 10PK
Scotchbond Multipurpose Adhesive 8ml Bottle
Prolink Universal Bond 5ml Bottle
Futurabond U – Dual Cure Universal Single Dose/1PK –50PK
OptiBond Solo Plus 5ml Bottle
One Gloss Mini Points RA 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Cylinder CY2 FG 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Round RD2 RA 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Round RD2 FG 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Flame FL2 FG 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Flame FL2 RA 3PK – 12PK
Dura White Flame FL1 FG 3PK – 12PK
Dura Green Flame FL2 RA 3PK – 12PK
Brownie Mini Point RA 3PK – 12PK
White Stone Flame FL2 FG 3PK – 12PK
Amalgam/Gold Polisher 3-Step Kit 12PCS
Amalgam/Gold Polisher Mini Points RA 12PK Assorted 3PK (1 of each)
Polishing Disks
Super-Snap Polishing Discs 10PK – 50PK
Super-Snap SuperBuff 10PK – 50PK
One Gloss Midi Points 10PK – 50PK
One Gloss Inverted Cone 10PK – 50PK
Super-Snap Mandrel Contra Angle RA Plastic 10PK – 100PK
Super-Snap Mandrel Contra Angle RA Metal 1PK – 6PK
Super-Snap Mini Kit
Super-Snap Rainbow Tech Kit
3M Sof-Lex Discs
½” X-Thin Assorted 40PK (10 of each)
½” X-Thin Coarse 85PK
½” X-Thin Medium 85PK
½” X-Thin Fine 85PK
½” X-Thin Super Fine 85PK
3/8” X-Thin Assorted 40PK (10 of each)
3/8” X-Thin Coarse 85PK
3/8” X-Thin Medium85PK
3/8” X-Thin Fine 85PK
3/8” X-Thin Super Fine 85PK
Mandrel Contra Angle/RA 1PK – 3PK
Bur Blocks
Large Round Magnetic
Large Round Magnetic Cover
Rectangular Magnetic
Rectangular Magnetic Cover
FG/RA 16 Holes w/ Silicone Inserts
FG 15 Holes
FG/RA 10 Holes w/ Silicone Inserts
FG/RA 12 Holes (Plastic)
RA 15 Holes
RA 15 Holes Tall
20xFG/6xRA 26 Holes
20xFG/10xRA 30 Holes
Mueller Burs
Assorted /5PK
1.0mm /10PK
1.2mm /10PK
1.4mm /10PK
1.6mm /10PK
Carbide Burs
245 JP/10PK- SS/10PK – SOL/5PK
330 SOL/10PK
169 JP/10PK – SOL/5PK
Diamond Burs
Jota & up
Johnson Promident
Prophy Brush – Latch Micro Flat White 5PK
Prophy Brush – Latch Flat White or Black 10pk
Prophy Brush – Latch Pointed White 10PK
Prophy Brush – Latch Cup Shade/White or Bristle 10PK
Compo Blitz 2PK (1.5mm)
Compo Blitz 2PK (3.0mm)
Cotton Mini Buff 5PK
Rubber Dam
Rubber Dam ClampsRubber Dam FrameRubber Dam Forceps
Rubber Dam Punch
Flexi Dam Non-Latex 6×6 Medium (Purple or Teal) 30PK
High Speed Handpiece
Low Speed Handpiece
Adapter 2/3-hole HP to 4-hole Tubing
PLS Cover/EA
PLS Tub Tray/EA
PLS Tub Cover/EA
ZRC Divided Tray/EA
ZRC Locking Lid/EA
Flexi Wedges Assorted 40PK
Pulpdent Wooden Wedges/100PK, Assorted /400PK
Premier Wooden Wedges/100PK (no 10% discount on this item)
Plastic Wedges /100PK
Fender Wedges /10PK – /100PK
Fender Wedges Assorted/20PK (5 of each) – /144PK (36 of each)
Fender Mate Assorted/4PK (1 of each) – 72/PK (18 of each)
Fender Prep 5PK – 100PK
Poly Wedges w/Handle – Red, Blue, Yellow /30PK
Poly Wedges w/Handle – Large Red /100PK
Poly Wedges w/Handle – Medium Blue /100PK
Poly Wedges w/Handle – Small Yellow /100PK
ProFil Compules 20 Caps
ProFil Flow 1x1g Syringe
ProFil 4g Syringe
Estelite Sigma Quick Compules 20×0.2g Caps
Spherodon 2-Spill Amalgam 25PK
Amalgamator – Regular
Genie Rapid Set
Mark3 VPS Fast Set
Temporary Crown and Bridge
Integrity (no 10% discount on this item)
Structure2 SC
Protemp (Special order)
Typodont Standard AG3 DA (no 10% discount on this item)
Teeth (#11-#18, #21-#28, #31-#38, #41-#48) /EA
Sectional Matrix
Sectional Matrix 5mm 5PK
Sectional Ring w/Silicone Tube 1PK
Garrison Standard Sectional Matrix Kit – Regular (no 10% discount on this item)
Finishing Cups 5PK – 30PK
Finishing Points 5PK – 30PK
Finishing Discs 5PK – 30PK
Green Finishing Assorted 3PK (1 of each)
Green Finishing Cups 5PK – 48PK
Green Finishing Points 5PK – 48PK
Green Finishing Discs 5PK – 48PK
Matrix Bands, Mylar Strips, T-Bands, Polishing Strips
Matrix Band .0015 #1 12PK
Matrix Band .0015 #2 12PK
Waterpik Matrix Bands 36PK
Matrix Bands Getz Contour .0015 Ultra Thin 50PK
Matrix Bands Getz Contour .002 Regular 50PK
Matrix U-Bands Assorted Intro Kit 48PK
Matrix U-Bands Molar Mod 5PK –/48PK
Mylar Strips .002 Straight 50PK
Mylar Strips .002 Curved 50PK
Matrix T-Bands Straight Assorted Stainless 100PK
Matrix T-Bands Curved Assorted Stainless 100PK
Sof-Lex Finishing & Polishing Strips 10PK – 100PK
Suction tip (Saliva ejector tip) 1PK
Dappen dish – Glass 1PK – Disposable Assorted 5PK
Overgloves 10Pairs/PK (20 Gloves)
Masks 10PK
Bibs 10PK
Bib Chains EA
Head Cap Tie-On5PK
Head Cap Elastic 5PK
Head Rest Covers 10” x14” Blue Fabric 10PK
Disposable Gown Blue 1PK
Cotton Rolls #2 Non-Sterile 50PK
Sterilization Pouches
Articulating Paper
Endo Stops Assorted 12PK – 100PK
Instrument Code Rings 35PK
Prep Check EA – 50PK
Saliva Ejector Clear With Blue Tip 10PK
High Volume Evacuation Tips 6” White 10PK
Matrix Buttons 12PK -72PK
Barrier Film
Glass Slab
Curing Lights